Looking for a PR professional to help your brand cultivate a positive reputation with the public? Here are five good reasons to put your trust in a third party agency and hire that PR firm:
- Compete with your competitors – The competitive, consumer-driven economy is constantly increasing, on top of the maze of social media and digital outlets available, and if you’re not being quoted in the press and strategic about your press efforts, you’re losing the limelight.
- Build brand recognition – Building a brand is a marathon, not a sprint. The long-term effects of media visibility grow over time and creates amplification.
- Stay relevant – This means that writers and editors are always hearing about your brand, so if you stop sharing, your brand becomes no longer relevant. A good PR strategy will include a multi-tiered process with different ideas on how to create conversation and insert your brand into relevant topics. This could range from thought leadership opportunities to video content on relevant subjects to garner attention and conversation around your leadership and brand.
- Bridge the language with journalists – There is a definite language journalists speak. Many brands believe they can whip up a pitch and send it to a few people or pick up the phone and talk to an editor or TV contact. Publicists have the skills to create short, compelling pitches and writing pieces to make media want to read further and hit ‘reply’ rather than ‘delete.’ It’s also important to ask yourself if you are a good writer and able to sell a story. Agencies also tend to have the ability to crowdsource its strong media relationships to your benefit.
- Gain access to more than publicists – Your budget could help you get in touch with a full bench of experts, including pitching specialists, social media pros, content gurus, marketing contacts, and more. There’s usually a wealth of connections that come with an agency, which is tough for any single person to match.
Does this seem like something that might be useful for you? Shoot us an email at hello@360media.net for all your PR needs.
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