We love when our clients get to collab! For the 100th episode (Congrats BTW!!) of Nashville’s Couture + Construction Podcast, both our clients, ADAC and Harry Norman, REALTORS®, sat down with the hosts of the popular podcast for a roundtable discussion on trends in Atlanta design and real estate and how to utilize ADAC as a design resource in Atlanta and beyond.

Highlights from the episode include:

When asked about ADAC’s transition to opening up to the public, Katie Miner, ADAC’s General Manager said, “What we found was the more important thing was to just allow people in. It was so secret and under this veil for so long and they just wanted to see and get it. So once they did, and they saw it, it sort of answered that question, again, it helped them understand the value of hiring an interior designer and maybe create a little more trust in the process.”

Jenni Bonura, President and CEO of Harry Norman, REALTORS® speaks to the high-rise living trend by saying, “The views are the thing. Whenever we’re marketing luxury high-rise living, that’s what you want to feel. You want to walk in and feel like you’re in air. And Atlanta has beautiful seasons almost year round so that whole lifestyle of ‘I want to be outside, I want to bring the outside in, the high-rise living allows you to accomplish exactly that.”

Mark Williams of Mark Williams Design describes ADAC as “ADAC, for us, is not just a design center, it’s really kind of a community center for the southeastern design community as a whole. It’s not just an Atlanta entity, but really all of the Southeastern designers source their best products from ADAC, so we get to know one another. The word community here is not used lightly.”

Tune in to be inspired by all things design and real estate wherever you get your podcasts, or click here.

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