360 Media has always been known for our passion for what we do, our commitment to our client’s success, our innovation and creativity, and as 2020 has proven, our adaptability as well. We have navigated our stellar roster of clients (and added quite a few new ones on!) through an uncertain and stressful year and Forbes has taken notice – naming #Team360 to its inaugural 2021 America’s Best PR Agencies list!
Forbes partnered with market research firm Statista to develop the list, surveying more than 12,700 experts and 20,500 customers who nominated more than 5,000 firms. Participants were asked to indicate how likely they were to nominate a particular agency on a scale of zero (very unlikely) to 10 (very likely). Statista then narrowed the list to the top 200 and gave those that received at least the median score a four-star rating and those that exceeded the median score a five-star rating.
The ranking makes 360 Media one of only five PR agencies in the state of Georgia to be chosen. Take a look at the full list here + we’ll pop the champagne! Here’s to 2021.
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