360 Media’s birthday falls between Capricorn and Aquarius, the combined energies of a capable Capricorn and a quirky Aquarius brings the Cusp of Mystery and Imagination, and there’s never a dull moment. Cuspers love to talk and entertain, staving off the boring and dull sides to life. Hard work and high standards bring cuspers much success in career endeavors.
Prone to leading unusual lives, “Capriquarians” often struggle to balance the two very different sides of their personalities — they are reserved yet social, security-craving but independent, and traditional yet offbeat — the perfect depiction of 360 Media, Inc.
360 Media and these 21 Celebs all share January Birthdays:
Alicia Keys
Betty White
Bradley Cooper
Christian Bale
Cuba Gooding JR.
Dolly Parton
Ellen DeGeneres
Guy Fieri
Jason Bateman
Jason Segel
Justin Timberlake
Kate Middleton
Kate Moss
Lil John
Mariska Hargitay
Mary J. Blige
Neil Daimond
Oprah Winfrey
Rain Willson
Rod Stewart
Zayn Malik
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