At this year’s Oscars, Quentin Tarantino’s latest film, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, sweeped the nominations. But in 1994, Pulp Fiction was at the top of the box office when Tarantino won an Oscar for his screenplay. Although he didn’t win for best picture (the Oscar went to Forest Gump that year), Pulp Fiction is still revered as an Americana classic. Wonderkid, the eclectic diner which takes Americana and flips it on its head, features a rotating cocktail menu based off the jukebox one typically sees in a diner, aptly named ‘Now Playing.’
The debut menu offers up cocktails based off the Pulp Fiction soundtrack – including a Dark n’ Stormy meets Jungle Bird named Dark n Jungle Boogie based off “Jungle Boogie” by Kool & The Gang, the “Preacher’s Son & Shirley T.” a Shirley Temple twist to Dusty Springfield’s Son of Preacher Man, and “You Can Never Tell Hank from Pank” an ode to that iconic dance scene at Jack Rabbit Slims (just to name a few).
To check out how the rest of the soundtrack inspired the other cocktail creations, you’ll have to come to Wonderkid yourself! They may even make you get up and do the twist.
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